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Web Developer with over 15 years of experience, I have built a solid expertise in developing web applications across diverse sectors such as construction, real estate, e-learning, delivery, and administration. My journey has allowed me to master a wide range of technologies and frameworks, enabling me to tackle various challenges.

Currently specialized in front-end development with a particular focus on React, I also have extensive experience as a fullstack developer (PHP/JS). Over the years, I have worked with renowned tools and frameworks such as CakePHP, Symfony, Node.js, and Vue.js, which has given me a comprehensive understanding of the development lifecycle.

My commitment to code quality (best practices, unit testing, etc.) and my interpersonal skills have led me to the role of Frontend Tech Lead within several development teams. I contribute to both new generation projects and legacy systems, ensuring their evolution and maintenance.

Flavien Beninca

Tech Stack

Currently :

Past :
