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All the articles I've posted.
Level Up React: Mastering useEffect for performant React applications
Published: at 04:00 PMLearn how to master React's useEffect hook with practical examples. Discover internal mechanisms, avoid common pitfalls, and build performant applications with proper synchronization techniques.
Level Up React: Deep dive into state and useState
Published: at 05:00 PMComplete guide to React's useState hook - from basics to advanced techniques. Learn state management, avoid common pitfalls, and optimize performance with practical examples for React developers.
Level Up React: Functional programming in React
Published: at 04:00 PMLearn how functional programming principles power React development. This practical guide explores first-class functions, pure functions, immutability, currying and composition with clear examples. Discover how these concepts lead to more predictable, testable and maintainable React applications.
Level up React: React and React DOM architecture
Published: at 02:45 PMDiscover why React is split into two packages. Learn how react and react-dom work together, their specific roles, and the benefits of this architecture. A clear explanation with practical examples.
Level Up React : Deep Dive into React Elements
Published: at 11:30 AMLearn how React Elements work under the hood. Understand their structure, creation process, and the reconciliation mechanism. A comprehensive guide for React developers
Level Up React : Declarative vs Imperative Programming
Published: at 10:00 AMDiscover how declarative programming transforms React development. Learn the key differences between imperative and declarative approaches through practical examples and understand why React embraces declarative programming for state, effects, lists, and conditional rendering.
Migration from Jest to Vitest: Complete feedback on a React/TypeScript project
Published: at 04:00 PMComplete step-by-step guide to migrate from Jest to Vitest in a React/TypeScript project. Includes ESM handling, performance optimization, and real-world solutions from a 2900+ tests migration.
Why aiming for 100% coverage can be a mistake
Published: at 01:34 PMDiscover why aiming for 100% test coverage in software development can be counterproductive. Learn practical strategies to focus on core functionality, avoid unnecessary tests, and improve code quality without wasting resources.
Text Truncation with Ellipsis on Multiple Lines
Published: at 04:00 PMLearn effective CSS techniques for text truncation with ellipsis, covering both single-line and multi-line methods. This guide explains how to implement classic text overflow, use WebKit's line-clamp for multiple lines, and create fallback solutions for cross-browser compatibility. Ideal for web developers aiming to improve content display and user experience in limited spaces.
Responsive Images: a quick example with react
Published: at 03:00 PMOptimizing web performance is a priority for any developer. One key aspect to consider is how images are handled across different devices. In this article, we will explore how to create responsive images with React. The goal is to display different images based on the screen size.