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The <select> element can now be customized with CSS
Published: at 09:05 AM(Adam Argyle)Chrome 135 introduces appearance: base-select, enabling fully customizable & styleable <select> elements with rich HTML support. Learn how to design accessible, standardized dropdowns without breaking old browsers.
Is Vite faster than Turbopack?
Published: at 09:00 AM(Kyle Gill)Is Vite faster than Turbopack? Real-world benchmarks compare cold starts, page compilations, hard refreshes, and Fast Refresh in Next.js (Webpack/Turbopack) vs. Vite (Rollup/Rolldown).
Authorization in Next.js
Published: at 08:53 AM(Robin Wieruch)Learn about authorization in Next.js when using React Server Components, Server Actions, and Next's App Router ...
The Great ESLint v9 Migration Adventure: A Developer's Survival Guide
Published: at 01:54 PM(Yacine Kharoubi)Learn how to migrate a TypeScript project to ESLint v9 with this detailed guide. Discover key changes, common challenges, and step-by-step solutions for adopting the new flat config system.
Real-world uses of TypeScript’s utility types
Published: at 01:42 PM(Sam Rose)Sam Rose walks us through some real-world usage of TypeScript’s utility types in their day job’s open source codebase to help those new to the language get to grips with this key capability.
JavaScript Visualized: Event Loop, Web APIs, (Micro)task Queue
Published: at 02:53 PM(Nadia Makarevich)Learn how the browser event loop, task queue, microtask queue, and Web APIs work together to enable non-blocking, asynchronous JavaScript.
SSR Deep Dive for React Developers
Published: at 02:40 PM(Nadia Makarevich)Explore step-by-step how Server-Side Rendering (SSR), pre-rendering, hydration, and Static Site Generation (SSG) work in React, their costs, performance impact, benefits, and trade-offs.
Web Components Demystified
Published: at 02:47 PM(Geoff Graham)Scott Jehl released a course called Web Components Demystified. This is my full set of notes from Scott's course.
What is an LLM (For Web Developers)
Published: at 02:39 PM(Vishwas Gopinath)Learn what Large Language Models (LLMs) actually are, how they work, and practical ways to add them to your web projects—no PhD required
Beyond React.memo: Smarter Ways to Optimize Performance
Published: at 08:46 AM(Christian Ekrem)Why composition patterns might be better than memoization for React performance