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All the articles I've selected.
React 19 introduces full support for custom elements
Published: at 02:40 PM(Aleks Elkin)dive deep into the new features of React 19 and how it improves the integration with Web Components.
You might not need a React Form Library
Published: at 02:39 PM(Robin Wieruch)How to validate forms in React without a form library on the server and the client ...
React 19 and Web Component Examples
Published: at 02:30 PM(Chris Coyier)Explore React 19's improved Web Components support, with practical examples of prop handling, event management, and server/client-side rendering differences. Learn how to effectively combine React and Custom Elements in your applications.
Getting into web components - an intro
Published: at 02:22 PM(Brecht De Ruyte)The year 2024 might be a big one for web components. I just started out with learning about them in a deeper level. In this article, some of the basics and lingo.
Building Scalable Micro-Frontends with Next.js Multi Zones
Published: at 02:30 PM(Dave Bitter)Let's see how Next.js Multi Zones can make building micro frontends a breeze.
Better Code Rendering Through Virtualization
Published: at 03:30 PM(Nicholas Deschenes)How we rebuilt Codecov's code renderer from the ground up to be faster and more efficient, utilizing virtualization.
Using Transformers.js for AI in the Browser
Published: at 03:22 PM(Raymond Camden)A look at Transformers.js and doing GenAI work in the browser.
How To Improve INP: React
Published: at 03:09 PM(Jacob Groß)All-in-one guide for improving Interaction-to-Next-Paint (INP) Core Web Vital in React applications. Introduces the useAfterPaintEffect hook.
Existential React questions and a perfect Modal Dialog
Published: at 02:44 PM(Nadia Makarevich)My step-by-step process for implementing a new feature from an idea to a production-ready solution using Modal Dialog as an example
The `use cache` Directive Deep Dive in Next.js
Published: at 02:25 PM(Ankita Kulkarni)Learn about the new `use cache` directive in Next.js for caching functions, components, and entire routes.